Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Causing having with commissions?

Causing having with commissions?

t's a bit crazy, I know.

My previous email seems to have hit a chord with folks from
both camps. The idea is loved by some, hated by others. But,
here's the deal...

I brought up the idea of putting everyone in the world on

The full article is still available:

Now, regardless of what you're thinking I'm not someone out
to cause havoc. There's a reason I bring this up...

Behind a paycheck, tenure, guarantees and salaries there is
the ability to lie to yourself. To make believe that you're
someone that you aren't and that outside circumstances
really dictate your situation.

The GIFT of being in sales and of being directly rewarded
for what you accomplish, is that every day you get to look
in the mirror and see who you really are.

Clearly, knowing who you really are is the better choice
for achieving your dreams. Wouldn't you agree?

Be awesome,


P.S. You probably want to get the complete article for the
full story. Plus, you'll get a whole lot more good stuff
along with it.

There's only one day left, though. Get it all here...

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...