Thursday, September 17, 2015

How To Draw A Happy Expression Lesson

If you're interested in learning how to draw a happy facial expression, then you must watch the video we've just uploaded at ...

A happy expression is more complex than simply drawing two eyes, a nose, and a turned-up mouth.
Every person has a different smile, and every smile can show varying degrees and sorts of happiness.
Begin by drawing a face at rest. This will give you a refresher in the proportions of the face, which can be drawn in measurements of the eye length or by dividing the face in half vertically and horizontally.
When a person is facing forward and the head is straight, the irises lie on the center of the horizontal line, and can be sketched in as two circles.
If you divide the bottom vertical line into five equal segments, the bottom of the nose is on the second mark down, and the center of the mouth is the third line down.
The nostrils usually line up with the inside corners of the eyes, and the corners of the mouth in a relaxed position line up with the middle of the eyes.
The eyes are half and eye length wide, and are one eye width apart.

Warm Regards

Chris Elmore
Drawing Made Easy

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