Monday, September 14, 2015

Taking Control of Your Life by Craig Coppola

Taking control of your life is essential to making it Fantastic.  You get one shot--make it a good one.  Live each day to your fullest potential and you can sleep well at night knowing you have done your best.  Below in yellow is something that we should all remember day in and day out.

Rule #4 from my book The Fantastic Life: All of Life is Connected
Everything in life, from people, attitudes, habits, and more, are connected. When you make a change in one area, there are ripple effects that touch all other areas. Like the highlighted quote, simply changing your thoughts can alter your destiny. Take the time to focus on the things you can control and watch how your life follows in the same direction.   

Curing Victimitis

MARCH 31, 2014

Watch your thoughts; they lead to attitudes.{Click to Tweet }
Watch your attitudes; they lead to words.
Watch your words; they lead to actions.
Watch your actions; they lead to habits.
Watch your habits; they form your character.
Watch your character; it determines your destiny.

These words of unknown origin tell us that our silent and often 

subconscious choices shape our future. Every aspect of our lives,
 at home and at work, can be improved if we use our power to
 think, reflect, and make conscious choices about our thoughts, 
attitudes, words, actions, and habits.

Instead, many of us think of ourselves as victims. We complain

 about our circumstances and what others did to us. Whatever
 psychological comfort there is in feeling powerless and 
blameless when things aren’t going right, victims lead 
unsatisfied lives in the end.

We’re most vulnerable to victimitis when we’re under the 

influence of powerful emotions like fear, insecurity, anger, 
frustration, grief, and depression. These feelings can be so 
overwhelming that we believe our state of mind is inevitable. 
Our only hope is that they’ll go away on their own. Yet it’s 
during times of emotional tumult that using our power to choose 
our thoughts and attitudes is most important. We can’t make 
pain go away, but we can refuse to suffer.

Even when we don’t like any of our choices, we do have 

some – once we realize we can take control. It isn’t easy, 
but what we do and how we choose to feel about ourselves
 can have a profound impact on the quality of our lives. 
Victims may get sympathy for a while, but that isn’t nearly enough.

Taking personal responsibility for our happiness and

success can be scary, but the payoff is enormous. Although 
we can’t make our lives perfect, we can make them better 
 usually a lot better.

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...