Friday, July 8, 2016

Five Dallas Officers Killed: Deadlist Day for Police Since September 9/11

It takes a lot to get me angry,and when I'm angry I'm not very articulate with my words but I just feel the need to say something. I have never been so disgusted by people as I am at this very moment and the fucking media just keeps feeding the frenzy. People want justice and I understand that, what happened to those two young black men was just wrong, however, "justice" is not shooting 12 officers who had absolutely NOTHING to do with those two incidents. Not all cops are bad, the majority of them are not, wake the fuck up people. MY heart hurts so much right now for the families of the slain & injured officers. My heart hurts for the human race, period. And right now agree or disagree with me I don't care, I'm not getting in any fucking debates with anyone over this. I'm done...I'm, just done..

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...