Sunday, March 18, 2007

An Article from Jayne Johnson - The Subconscious: Friend or Foe?

The subconscious performs many helpful tasks so you don't have to make a conscious effort to think in order to accomplish them. Have you ever been driving down the road and suddenly realized you have gone two miles without paying attention to the road, your driving or to anything on the planet at all? Your subconscious, in control of your actions at the time, got you safely down the road.

Consider the possibility that the subconscious also has a built in video camera and the ability to tape your life. When there is any hint of trouble or danger, the subconscious set off alarms, must faster than you can think. You step off the curb not looking, while a Mac truck is barreling down the road in your direction. The subconscious will see it, even if you don't consciously see it, and the alarms go off. Just in time you look up and jump out of the way. This security system can literally save your life.

It can be friend or foe. Let's say that you once had a very troubled relationship with a person who wore a particular brand of cologne. Your subconscious will dutifully make a note of that will also conclude quite logically by its calculations that all people who use that cologne cause trouble. That seems to be how the subconscious works. One person who wears that cologne and causes trouble is unequivocal evidence that all people who wear that cologne causes trouble. That is an example of the logic of the subconscious, and just imagine what happens every time you are around another person who wears that cologne!

A key to being successful and powerful is recognizing when the subconscious has jumped in and started talking to you. The subconscious is powerful. Powerful and mechanical. In addition to being a video camera of sorts, it also has the properties of a computer, another mechanical device. Like a computer, whatever is programmed into it stays there and operates in strict accordance with the program. The good news it you can change the program.

Jayne Johnson also does the Goal Setting Seminars. Check out her website for more info :

Recommended readings:

1. Understanding Life by Lawrence West
2. The Secrets To Increasing Your Power, Wealth, and Happiness
3. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle also the author of The Power of Now
4. What You Think of Me Is None of My Business by Terry Cole-Whittaker

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...