Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Our Weekly 7:30am Round Table Meeting

This was a good meeting on writing copy! We reviewed copies that were written my RDE, RDC, and RDF. We looked for headlines, positioning statement, (which my position statements were good) and story. Robert said when you write copy you need to know how to get past the defense, get pass the natural barrier. You don't want to sound like Sales and/or Commericalizing. Sometimes the less said is the best copy like for example the fashion magazines, etc. Less said is more effective.

1. Must get past people's defenses
2. Establish credibility. Have a credible source
3. Have two counter-opposing ideas
4. The less said the more effective
5. Get in through the right brain - use pictures

Example when Robert wrote the RDPD book - What the Rich Teach their Kids about Money that the Middle Class and Poor Do Not - it makes people ask "Which one am I?"

Robert also discussed the 5 - Finger Rule:

Thumb - Start Strong
Index - One Point
Middle - Talk Straight
Ring - Tell a story
Pinkie - Finish with emotion

CARTOONS will go past the defenses.

I realized when I reviewed my copies that I was sounding more sales pitchy. Got to use something more effective like "The prospect of Selling something we really love." I know I am going to be spending this weekend working on re-editing my copies. I so feel grateful for working with the Rich Dad's Company and the education that I have received in the last 6 years is priceless!!

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...