Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Full Circle???

Hi guys, I am going to talk about something that is completely off the subject I usually talk about on my blog. There is this boy back in High School when I was 16 years old that was my first boyfriend and we couldn't date because my step family wouldn't let me and I was upset and by the time I turned 18 years old I ran away with someone who I ended up marrying to get away from my dysfunctional step family. Through out 38 years of my life I have married twice, have two grown children and two young grand children. I did not always have a good choice of husbands and boyfriend during that time frame due to my up bringing from my step mom etc. I really didn't have a have good and happy childhood but a have survived and love my life now and very grateful for what I do have, etc.

About a week ago I had decided give up on dating and trying to meet guys to have a relationship with and one day get married so I had canceled one of my dating site I belonged to and the other will be canceled in March 2009. I figure if it is meant for me to be single for the rest of my life well then I better learn to adjust to it. My last relationship of 11 years really took it toll on me and how can you forget someone you have gone through so much with?? Will getting in another relationship help me forget? I know I could find love again and I have to learn it just takes time and give it a chance and you will be fine.

For some reason out of the blue I decided to join and heck it was a special for three months of 15.00. So I decided to see who all was on that were my former classmates from Pennsbury High School. I came across a name, John Fortino and I am like wait a minute is this the first boyfriend from High School so I emailed him. Well sure enough it was. Ever since then we have been emailing back and forth and also have spoke on the phone a couple of times. He lives in Pampa, TX. Even got two of my old girlfriend's info and have emailed them.

So could this John be my full circle? I know if we go slowly in time the pain from my ex will go away. Hopefully he cares enough to give me the time and take it slow etc. You know 38 years is 38 years. Our lives sure have paralleled over 38 years and I do care for him as a person. One thing I do know that even if nothing come of it we will be great friends! That is a neat feeling to have! Isn't the below poem by John cool! He is creative in his writing.

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...