Saturday, January 10, 2009

Poem - Things to Remember by John Fortino

If I climbed a mountain in spring time, and looked down in the valley at all of natures glory, as a warm breeze brushed past my face, I would remember all of the beauty I see in you. And the breath of fresh air you have given my life. Ah,
yes, I remember you!

If I woke up in the morning, to birds singing outside my window, I would remember all of the times, you sang your beautiful songs to me in that sweet voice of yours. Ah yes, I do remember!

If I were to go to the zoo, and see the cage with chattering monkeys, I would remember all of the great times we had talking and playing around, and all the laughter we had shared. But yes, I do remember!

And when I stare into the sky, and look at all of the stars, I would remember that twinkle in your eyes that seemed to brighten when you were being mischievous, or looking up at me, in my arms, with love. Ah yes, I remember, I remember you!

John Fortino

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...