Friday, January 9, 2009

TWO DIFFERENT PATHS TO GOD, MONEY, and HAPPINESS by Robert Kiyosaki and his sister, Emi Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki and his sister Emi have written a book together. That may not sound so unusual until you realize one is a multi-millionaire and the other a Buddhist nun. Both openly and honestly share personal, and often intimate, details about their journey to find inner faith and financial peace.

Written almost as a journal of self-discovery Rich Brother Rich Sister by Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and his sister Emi Kiyosaki chronicles the years spent trying to build a life in balance and harmony with their personal and professional values and beliefs. Both siblings, on seemingly different career and life paths, were actually searching for the same thing - a higher spiritual purpose.

Robert the Vietnam warrior and Emi the peace activist, as opposite as they may seem are in fact more alike than they are different. Their parents instilled within them a sense of giving back. Robert's mission evolved into teaching others how to make their way in the world by building self-sufficiency and financial freedom. Emi's life became devoted to the teaching of Buddhism and working along side His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Rich Brother Rich Sister chronicles a soul-searching inner journey of two siblings looking to find their professional, personal and spiritual place in the world.

The two paths became one when Emi became ill and needed medical attention. Concentrating time and effort on her faith and not on making money, Emi found herself in need of financial help from Robert. Robert concentrating time and effort on being a successful entrepreneur found a need to cultivate a more gentle spiritual side. Together the siblings helped and supported one another in discovering greater inner peace, purpose and spirituality.

Robert's role as the older brother was to support Emi and her Buddhist beliefs while teaching her how to become more financially self-sufficient. Emi's role was to help soften Robert's rough edges and help open his heart to his own deep-seeded spirituality. As Robert put it, "I found more gentleness within myself while talking with my sister."

You may want to classify this book as self-development but I would recommend you also look at Rich Brother Rich Sister as about financial abundance and finding true personal and professional purpose. Together, Robert and Emi Kiyosaki share an intimate and personal look at how they were able to bring out the "rich" person not only within themselves but also within each other.

Review written by Sharon Michaels -

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...