Thursday, April 23, 2009

An email from Blair Singer (SalesDogs) - even he vouches to attend Robert's 3 - Day Seminar on................

Read below what Blair Singer has to say about Robert's 3 - Day Event coming up on May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd:

I'd like to invite you to take advantage of this once only opportunity...

As you may know, in this economy, those who are able to raise capital will win and those who cannot will lose. The days of traditional borrowing have disappeared, yet business owners who know how to raise funds anyway are doing great.

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, is presenting a 3-day seminar on the #1 skill of an entrepreneur - how to raise capital.

As you know, Robert and I have been friends and partners for over 25 years and have weathered good and bad economic times and usually have come out on top. While many see him as an investor and educator, his real strong suit is... his ability to build businesses and raise capital that generates even more income for himself and his businesses.

The other thing I know is, whatever the critical issue of the day, it becomes his passion to learn, master and teach. Property, investing, prognosticating, business, finance... and over the many years I have known him... he has always been a master of raising capital when no one else could.

If you have ever been to one of his programs, you will know that wherever you are in your business or your life, his message and information hits you right where it counts. And while it is not always comfortable... it is always profitable financially and emotionally. It will change your life!

You will also know that Robert NEVER repeats a program, so it truly is one time only. Therefore, I am personally inviting you to be at this most special program. The timing is critical.

Most businesses fail, not because of bad ideas or products or services... it's because most them simply run out of money before they get profitable. There are soooo many great deals out there right now, but if you cannot raise capital, you will miss the train that is pulling out from the station as we speak.

Please give careful consideration to this invitation... and do check into the special discount tuitions available!

Come on and sign up!! You will not regret it!!!!! (SMILE)

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...