Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Email from Bob Proctor

Experts now worry economic troubles can lead to serious health problems.

You've probably been affected by the current economic news more than you realize.

No, I'm not talking about your finances-I'm talking about your health.

Pick up the paper, watch the network news, check out your favorite blogs and all you see is the same thing over and over again.

Stress inducing bad news!

And now, study after study is actually documenting how stress is literally killing us.

Well, thanks to my friend Bill Harris, you don't have to suffer the ill health effects of today's killer stress. You probably know Bill since I've recommended him to you before. He's the owner of Centerpointe and creator of Holosync Audio Technology.

Bill's staff has just created a fascinating and informative flash video presentation about the health problems created by stress and one simple thing you can do to eliminate them.

It's a great presentation and only takes a few minutes to watch.

On top of that, Bill has agreed to send a Holosync demo CD to you (at no charge, of course-he'll even pay shipping) so you can see for yourself how well this amazing technology works.

So please. Go to http://www.centerpointe.com/free/pro102 right now to see the video and get the demo. You've got to check this out because the way Holosync wipes out stress could make a huge difference in the length and quality of your life.

Image of Four Brainwave Patterns
Beta Brainwave Patterns
Beta (14-30 Hz)

Concentration, arousal, alertness, cognition

Higher levels associated with anxiety, unease, feelings of separation, fight or flight
Alpha Brainwave Patterns
Alpha (8-13.9 Hz)

Relaxation, superlearning, relaxed focus, light trance, increased serontonin production

Pre-sleep, pre-waking drowsiness, meditation, beginning of access to unconscious mind
Theta Brainwave Patterns
Theta (4-7.9 Hz)

Dreaming sleep (REM sleep)
Increased production of catecholamines (vital for learning and memory), increased creativity

Integrative, emotional experiences, potential change in behavior, increased retention of learned material

Hypnagogic imagery, trance, deep meditation, access to unconscious mind
Delta Brainwave Patterns
Delta (.1-3.9 Hz)

Dreamless sleep
Human growth hormone released

Deep, trance-like, non-physical state, loss of body awareness

Access to unconscious and "collective unconscious" mind, greatest "push" to brain when induced with Holosync®


Brian Proctor

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...