Friday, December 18, 2009

Conspiracy of the Rich - Online Exclusive Update #20

Where Has All The Money Gone? (Six Ways To Get Your Share of the Bailout Money)

Every day the Fed is printing billions of dollars. Yet, ordinary people are still struggling, unemployment is rising, and houses are being foreclosed. So, where has all that money gone? In his latest Conspiracy of the Rich Bulletin, Robert explains where the money is going…and gives six ways you can get in on the action.

"As most of the world knows by now, the Fed and most of the world’s governments are printing money. In fact, they’ve printed more money in one year than has been printed in the last one hundred years. So the question is, where has the money gone? If trillions have been printed, why are so many businesses failing, why is unemployment climbing, and why are homes being lost to foreclosure? Some people have received a lot of money, but have you received your share of bailout money?"

– Excerpt from Robert’s Conspiracy of the Rich bulletin

Read Robert's latest post here

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...