Thursday, September 2, 2010

Financial Security: There's No Quick Fix Article by Kim Kiyosaki

Financial Security: There's No Quick Fix

Here's the No. 1 thing that confuses me about people and money. It's a given that to be good at anything, you have to put in the time and effort. In numerous surveys, the three areas in our lives that get the most attention are health, relationships and money (sex is right up there, but that's a separate discussion). Let's look at what it takes to be healthy, to have strong relationships and to handle our money.

If you want to be fit, you work out regularly in the gym, on your bike, running, swimming, etc. Whatever method you choose to get in shape, you do it again and again, not one time. And once you get to your fitness goal, you can't stop and say "I'm there! I can stop now." No--staying fit means you keep working out.

The same is true of relationships, whether it's your marriage or your relationship with your children, your sister or brother, your parents or your friends. Relationships don't just happen. Healthy relationships require nurturing, communication, creativity and attention--all of which require time and effort.

Read rest of the article at the Women Entreprenuer......

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...