Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another Article from Sales Dogs Blair Singer


FR: Blair Singer
RE: Communication & Psychology

Remember a few days ago when I was telling you about my
system to quickly and easily handle objections? Well, folks
have taken it and are absolutely ROCKING!

Here's an example... take a look at these industries:

- Dentistry
- Real Estate
- Network Marketing
- Investments
- Consulting
- Teaching
- Youth Outreach

That's quite a mix, isn't it?

Well, the SalesDogs Mastery Club members come from a broad
range of industries and services which is a lot of fun...
and extremely insightful.

Are the objections in "Dentistry" different than in "Youth

Of course, but it's also amazing how similar they are.
Here's the thing...

The objection handling system I teach works across
industries, markets, and economies... because it leverages
simple human communication and rapport building psychology.

It's about how you validate and respond. Plus, it's also
about your mental game... how you stand in the heat and
remain cool under the pressure of a sales call.

You mix them together and the results are explosive.

I've seen this work over and over with sales
professionals... but it works just as great with holistic
practitioners and engineers.

See for yourself...


Be awesome,


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